Bible Study Helps

The Blue Letter Bible is a tremendous resource for Bible Study, with commentaries on every verse of eh Bible from a number of different pastors and Bible Teachers. It includes Grek and Hebrew studies for those who don’t know Greek or Hebrew.  It also includes a search engine and word studies.

THE BIBLE PROJECT are short visual explanations that show how the Bible is a unified story that leads to Jesus.

This is the place for the teaching ministry of Joe Focht, pastor of Calvary Chapel in Philadelphia. Joe has commented on every verse of the Bible. WE particularly like his Old Testament studies, and his studies on the last week of the life and ministry of Jesus.

This is the teaching ministry of David Guzik, pastor of Calvary Chapel Santa Barbara, California. He has both recorded and text commentary for every verse of the Bible.

The Word for Today is the teaching ministry of Chuck Smith, founder of Calvary Chapel. Literally hundreds of people have used Chuck’s Through the Bible Studies as their primary training for ministry. The site includes his audios, videos, books, and associated resources. We highly recommend them for anybody interested in the Bible! There is also an app available, search for.

Harvest Online The ministry of Greg Laurie. There are a load of resources on here from Greg’s teachings, to downloadable e-Books, Courses in basic Christianity, webcasts, and daily devotionals.